أخبار ساخنة

A case of Chronic Rupture of Quadriceps Tendon Reconstruction With Autogenous hamstring Tendon Graft and Suture Anchors.

I share with you a  20 years old case of chronic rupture of Quadriceps tendon that has been treated with autogenous hamstring graft and suture anchors.

Pointing to quadriceps tendon rupture defect
Diagnostic arthroscopy was done and partial medial menisectomy was performed. ( the arthroscopy was difficult due to patella paja) 
The gap between 2 ends was measured 
To be 3 cm. 
Guide pin was applied to the patella and followed by drilling
Hamstring graft passed to the tunnel and into quadriceps tendon 

2 Suture anchors were applied and suturing quadriceps tendon to the hamstring graft 
Final picture showing reconstruction of the quadriceps tendon with hamstring graft suture anchors.

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